Monday 10 February 2020


Heya guys.

I'm hoping this shall be my last update before release.
The vast majority is rendered and awaiting the rest to finish. I've been going back and adding cum into the scenes as the way I work these, they need to be rendered in separately. I don't need to render the entire frame but just a region but even so, the high poly density of the cum adds more time on.

Anyways, I'm expecting hoping for a release next month once everything is rendered and ready to put together. Either way it won't be long now ^^

Here's one last teaser anyways!


  1. Wow! It looks very ... "juicy" ^^ I think this scene follows the previous teaser?)
    I’m curious: will there be more “cumshots” of scenes in this film than say with Yuki or Hakkar?) Because it has a pretty big resemblance to them))
    And yet - I liked the model of your troll - it looks very cool =)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yeah, there should be more cumshots than Yuki in this one, Hakkrah too I'm sure!

  2. Next month would make it a great birthday present for me. Can't wait!

  3. Looks to be your best one to date! :D But I'm curious, will Jania only get anal or will there be vaginal action too??

    1. All holes are exposed and taken advantage of :P

    2. I think that's the most lewd answer I ever had. XD But thanks for the reply. Looking forward to it! :D

  4. pandaren/dwarf 1/1 creampie next

  5. This one is looking quite the explosive movie (maybe Hakkrah level). Cant wait to see it! (Still dont rush it, finish it at your time haha! XP) Keep it up man! :)

  6. Wow! There's so much cum on her face and tits!

    I hope she gets more! (≧▽≦)

  7. Damn i can't wait until it's out!!! I'm excited =3

  8. maaan im so excited

  9. Hey. It's "next month." :D

  10. And it's the first time i,'m checking this. So it's a win for me.

  11. I am ready! Body and soul!

  12. soooo close to release date i can feel it

  13. Your gangbang videos are always the best!

  14. Can't wait :)

  15. Fingers crossed for a release during the weekend! :D

  16. Next month or next year?Make up your mind..

  17. Hello,

    Real life friend of Insignious here. I'm sorry to inform you all that he has succumbed to the dreaded coronavirus. Which he contracted at University. It is unlikely his final projects will ever see the light of the day unless the family allows me and his other friends to access his computer files.

    Stay inside and Stay safe guys. I'm sorry to bring you all this terrible news.

    1. Holy shit.. if this is true, I wish he will recover very soon.

    2. Succumb means to die from. I will remain skeptical of this news until I hear from a more concrete source instead of an Anonymous poster.

    3. Hey there, apperantly its just a mean prank. That's just messed up.

    4. Imagine trying to protect someone's lazyness by telling others he has corona,pathetic

  18. Apparently even the sacred lands of the Insignious Blogspot aren't immune to trolls. Curse you internets! Curse you! But also bless you for all your sweet sweet porns.

  19. "imagine trying to protect someone's lazyness by telling others he has corona". Apparently anon, it's lazy that he is doing all this for free and also apparently this month ends at 16 instead of 31.

    1. oh yes let's suck his dick for releasing 1 video per year with trash audio quality and no more than 3-4 origninal animations that aren't loops,let's praise that!

    2. It's his hobby not his job, he is not obliged produce content that he doesn't even get payed for. Also if you don't like it, why are you still here? It's not as if someone is holding you hostage or anything.

  20. I hope he didn't pass and is just sick and recovering, but in the event he did that is unfortunate to hear. A real shame too, people who make awesome stuff for free is a rare thing in this generation and somehow a lot of people choose to be ungrateful anyway. Ugh, that is humanity for you. For anyone talking crap on this blog, if any of this stuff is remotely true, you should be ashamed of yourselves and someone needs to slap your parents for not raising you right or to have some decency.

    1. Ah yes mister humanity at it's finest,why do you even live if humanity is too disgusting for you?Just go in a better place,and let me tell you 1 thing..Everything in life is SUBJECTIVE YOU CANNOT FORCE YOUR IDEALS ON SOMEONE AND EXPECT THEM TO ACCEPT IT.You're just a lousy being that belives in everything he sees,pathethic.

  21. Guys, let's not curse, okay? I’m not a local sheriff, but we are all adult sane people. If someone doesn't like Insi, you're free. Nobody holds you here by force. It is your choice and we respect him. But as for me, he is one of the best animators, at the moment (at least), who is engaged in similar content.
    Further. Regarding trolls and everything else. About things, such as "death", it is not customary to joke. It's not funny.
    This is the first.
    Secondly. As a rule, people do not die from a new virus right away. I declare this to you, as a person with a virological education.
    Now. Knowing the creativity of Insi. And knowing all sorts of circumstances. He absolutely always warns us about everything.
    And lastly. I ask everyone to be patient. The month is not over yet. In addition, this project will be quite long. And it takes time. In addition, all the latest events and more. Therefore - let's respect the author and each other.
    I just hope so. That this trouble circumvented him. Like so many of us.

  22. Guys please stay indoors! everyone is dying from the virus! This porn must be released now to keep more people inside so they don't die from the virus!
