Monday 6 January 2020

Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year!

Hey folks!

Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year, I did but it's back to work once more! Real work and lewd stuff...

Nothing new to report except my comp is still rendering away like a slave... well when the render doesn't stop 3 frames into 750 and I come back 48 hours later to see it's been stuck there... :x
It's probably my most ambitious project yet so although it's always frustrating that it takes a long time to create these things, it's always nice when I can finally share it. I spent a good bit of time yesterday adding the cum into scenes, as there is quite a lot of that going on and needs to be added to the right parts and rendered out on top of the previous ones.

But yeah, not going to give an ETA yet until I'm a bit closer as it's too unpredictable at this stage.

But here's a tit-job to enjoy for now!