Wednesday 16 January 2019


  First of all, Happy New Year, hope you all had a nice Christmas too :)

Just another wee teaser as I don't have anything better currently to provide! You're probably all bored waiting for the final project but alas, I'm just twiddling my thumbs rendering and testing stuff before it's all complete.
The good news is I'm liking how it's looking and it's also a decent length. I'm also trying a few new things with this project which demands more rendering and unfortunately means more time needed. All the actual animation work is done, it's just waiting on renders to finish and be free of issues.
If my laptop hadn't had problems for the first several months of the project and refused to render I wouldn't have had such a backlog, but hey, what can ya do?

At least it's been allowing time for me to work on a new female model rig which I'm hoping to use on my next project, currently scheduled for release in 2022.. just kidding (maybe).

Anyways this teaser isn't a final render, hence the tauren being so excited that their thumbs are being forced through their legs.