Tuesday 19 February 2019

Final Update

 Not the post you were hoping for, but this shall be the final update/teaser before release!

I just need to touch up a few small issues in a few scenes and then just one more short render pass on most of the scenes to improve the lighting a little. Turns out there are 25 separate files for different positions or angles, so rendering them all out and doing passes etc. adds time. The good news is I reckon the length of the animation shall be between 12-13 minutes, so a good size.

Unfortunately I reckon it shall therefore be another 2-3 weeks depending on the times those renders take (and just my free time to put them together) which means I'll narrowly miss my February window (bad Insignious!) but I don't expect a later release than March 8th-10th. (Oh another release date estimate to fail miserably with..) I'll be using up holidays at work around this time so I expect to either have the project released by then, or in the first 1-2 days of my holiday as for once I won't be going abroad so shall have much more time than usual to work on stuff.
This also means I should get a good start made to the next project during then (when I'm not playing rocket league :x)

I also want to thank all you guys for the comments, they help spur me on when things feel like they are taking forever, I'll be glad to finally post the final animation up! And hopefully it shall be worth the wait to! But if not, then you shall only need to wait months and months for the next one!

Anyways, here's a final teaser.. no rewards for guessing what comes next ^^