Sunday 27 November 2016


Hey all - just to say I'll be away for a coupla weeks abroad so won't be online, In the meantime I didn't have time to get a gif together as there are still some little things to finish off for this clip, but here's a basic still image from the render sequence!

Wednesday 5 October 2016


Hey people! - Just another small update to give you a look of some of the progress I'm making and what I'm working on.. as you can see, some friends joined the party.

Sunday 14 August 2016


Hey guys. going to be away abroad for a few weeks so won't be online here. In the meantime, here's a short gif of one of the scenes.

Monday 25 July 2016

Sylvanas Update

Been a good while since I updated anything, but I'm just working on animating different scenes on my project atm, and thought I'd give a small peak of how it's coming along! Doing it a little different with this one and I'm going to have three different scenes/events in the movie.. of course this means more work/time spent on it, but hey, what's the point of making it if you ain't gonna put the proper effort into it!


Wednesday 1 June 2016

Small Variations

So I was tweaking my Sylvanas model to get her ready for animation and decided to incorporate some of the HotS features into it to test out.

I have 3 variations for the head. The first picture being the original hood and hair pretty much. The second using the HotS hood and hair and the third using a combination of both. I quite like the third version so will likely go with that, but it's always interesting to hear other's opinions, so if you have any then feel free to fire em down on the comments.

Friday 6 May 2016

Another Project Complete!

Hey all, the wait is over and I've finally finished and uploaded my next movie! Another fun one to make, based on a character you might find in the Ratchet Inn sometime if you are really lucky!

Anyways as usual, click the picture below for a link to watch/download and let me know what you think.

Or go to my mega page if Google is playing up.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Nearing The End... (of this project!)

Hey all, nearing the end of my current project, things of course take longer than I'd like, but I knew with even less time now to work on stuff, long animations like the ones I make shall always take a long time to finish - Anyways, I've been working on the creamy endings I like to finish with, and as the heroine in our newest adventure has such a large appetite, it takes quite some time to animate and render it all out properly! Getting there though - I still hope to have it out next month (April), but will keep you all posted.

For now, here is another sneak peak for those who are curious!

Orc Hakkrah

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Sneak Peak

Thought I'd post an overdue sneak peak of my main project at the moment. The majority of it is now completed but there will be a lot of rendering still to do.
For those who especially like lady orcs, it should be a treat!
