Sunday 1 December 2019


Hey folks, just another wee teaser before I head out of the country for a couple of weeks. The rendering is coming along as expected, slowly but surely.
As mentioned it's not something I can control much at this point, just a case of popping a scene on and waiting a few days for it to complete so I can check it and make sure nothing needs fixed. No ETA as of yet, but once it's done it shall be posted here.

Anyhow I'll update once I'm back in the country and have more info!

PS, the teaser is a low quality rendering, hence the noise etc. going on.

Wednesday 6 November 2019


Hey guys, not much new to report!
The animation work is wrapped up now except for fixing any bugs/mistakes that have been discovered after test rendering.
Now it's just the slow process of letting my PC render high quality versions of the different scenes once I'm fixed any issues I can see, and with 25-30 different scenes/angles to be done it takes some time.
The good news is it should be a long and hopefully enjoyable animation when complete!

Hard to give any release estimate as it's mostly a case of just rendering.. it shall give me time to work on the next character for the next project in the meantime as I wait for the render bottleneck.

Anyways here's another wee teaser. It's only a test render so not good quality but it gives you an idea of how Jaina has been spending her time!

Sunday 13 October 2019


Hey guys!

Thanks for the comments, I had a nice trip away. Back now though and have been working on the project in my spare time. Only really one scene to animate now and then it's just fixing small things with the other scenes that need done and then doing final renderings of most of those.

Here's another wee teaser for now.

Sunday 8 September 2019


Going away for a coupla weeks abroad to get burnt and all that good stuff!

Thought I'd pop up another wee update before I go showing another small teaser, and a bit more of who's involved. See you when I'm back!

Thursday 5 September 2019


Hey guys, glad you are liking how she looks!

Thought I'd post a wee gif up to get a better view of the model, enjoy!

EDIT - That gif quality isn't great so if you want to see/download a better version, click here!

Tuesday 3 September 2019


Hey guys - been way too long since I updated this.

I've been making nice progress on my next project but wanted to wait until I had more stuff worthwhile posting up, and then the last couple of months I've been side-tracked with work commitments etc. so apologies for the lack of posts.

Anyways here's the first wee teaser of who I've been working on. I'll be able to get quite a few updates out over the next weeks/month now that the majority of the project is already complete. More to come soon...

Thursday 14 March 2019

Ysera And Tyrande Release!

  Hey guys, it's finally complete and ready to post!



Apologies for being out a few days later than expected, when I said 8th-10th March it's what I believed at the time, but with outside events meaning I had to be away from home mostly for a coupla days as well as last minute issues needing resolved (and forgetting just how many hours it took to put all the stuff together into one file) it went over that time. I had to give up on a small thing I was working on with the lighting as it would have taken too long to resolve but I'll try and incorporate it into my next project and see how it looks.

Obviously it can be frustrating for some if a release date is given and goes by without a release, but bear in mind I'm just a dude online with a full-time job, relationship, family and friendship commitments who makes some WoW pr0n in his spare time for free release. Putting together a decent quality 12+ minute animation takes up many more hours than one might think! ^^ Also, thanks to those who are patient and for the kind words <3

Anyways, I'm pretty happy with the end result, some things aren't perfect and there are little glitches here and there, but maybe it's more obvious to me who's had to stare at the stuff for months, scrutinising it all! :P
I hope you guys enjoy it anyways! I'm off out now to a mates to play computer games and drink a lot of beer - when I have something to post on my next project, I'll post it here!

PS, some of you mentioned other websites to use to show my stuff. I think Twitter and Patreon were mentioned. If there are any other suggestions/ideas then please comment below. I'll look to create one or two over the next few days.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Final Update

 Not the post you were hoping for, but this shall be the final update/teaser before release!

I just need to touch up a few small issues in a few scenes and then just one more short render pass on most of the scenes to improve the lighting a little. Turns out there are 25 separate files for different positions or angles, so rendering them all out and doing passes etc. adds time. The good news is I reckon the length of the animation shall be between 12-13 minutes, so a good size.

Unfortunately I reckon it shall therefore be another 2-3 weeks depending on the times those renders take (and just my free time to put them together) which means I'll narrowly miss my February window (bad Insignious!) but I don't expect a later release than March 8th-10th. (Oh another release date estimate to fail miserably with..) I'll be using up holidays at work around this time so I expect to either have the project released by then, or in the first 1-2 days of my holiday as for once I won't be going abroad so shall have much more time than usual to work on stuff.
This also means I should get a good start made to the next project during then (when I'm not playing rocket league :x)

I also want to thank all you guys for the comments, they help spur me on when things feel like they are taking forever, I'll be glad to finally post the final animation up! And hopefully it shall be worth the wait to! But if not, then you shall only need to wait months and months for the next one!

Anyways, here's a final teaser.. no rewards for guessing what comes next ^^

Wednesday 16 January 2019


  First of all, Happy New Year, hope you all had a nice Christmas too :)

Just another wee teaser as I don't have anything better currently to provide! You're probably all bored waiting for the final project but alas, I'm just twiddling my thumbs rendering and testing stuff before it's all complete.
The good news is I'm liking how it's looking and it's also a decent length. I'm also trying a few new things with this project which demands more rendering and unfortunately means more time needed. All the actual animation work is done, it's just waiting on renders to finish and be free of issues.
If my laptop hadn't had problems for the first several months of the project and refused to render I wouldn't have had such a backlog, but hey, what can ya do?

At least it's been allowing time for me to work on a new female model rig which I'm hoping to use on my next project, currently scheduled for release in 2022.. just kidding (maybe).

Anyways this teaser isn't a final render, hence the tauren being so excited that their thumbs are being forced through their legs.