Monday 25 July 2016

Sylvanas Update

Been a good while since I updated anything, but I'm just working on animating different scenes on my project atm, and thought I'd give a small peak of how it's coming along! Doing it a little different with this one and I'm going to have three different scenes/events in the movie.. of course this means more work/time spent on it, but hey, what's the point of making it if you ain't gonna put the proper effort into it!



  1. Are the boobs of Sylvanas smaller than they looked on the model?...Or its just the perspective?

    1. Just the perspective atm - however they are easily adjustable due to the rig, so I'll keep an eye on how they are looking for each pose - and when those poses are made I'll pop some pictures up here for people to check out.

  2. Rawwrr, this looks very promising! Keep up the great work, you're doing some awesome stuff here.

  3. Oh hell yes. Thank you <3 Sylvanas is so hot. I know we all wish we could have some alone time with her. Keep up your wonderful work <3 Your fans love your efforts and amazing detail to the porn. Keep it up!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Cheers! Agreed, Sylvanas is one of my personal favourites also! :O

  6. Looks great! Can't wait to see the new format of multiple scenes! On a side note, are we going to see a bit of a hiatis when Legion comes out (you planning on playing)?

    1. I'm planning on playing but not a great deal - my days of guild raiding are long gone! :P It shouldn't really affect my progress however. On a side note I've been playing a good wee bit of Overwatch.. makes it very tempting to do something using those characters!

  7. Hell yeah, it is orc time!

  8. Nice and hot update !
    But personally, I prefer Sylvanas without her shoulder armor.

    Your next movie will only starring Sylvanas ? Or have we a chance to see also one of the other models you're working on ?

    1. Aye, only starring Sylvanas in this one I'm afraid! Who did you want to see?

    2. I'd like to see Ysera one day in a movie ; she is my favourite.
      But, like all your other movies, I can't wait to see this one with Sylvanas.

      For one of your future project, you can think about one movie with severals female characters, without the obligation to do lesbian stuff.

    3. I'd also vote to see Ysera sometime in a movie. If you end up playing Legion a bit or following the story at least, you'll know why!

    4. Well I haven't really been following the Legion storyline yet but shall get into it when I start playing - but now I'm intrigued, sounds like Ysera shall be getting a little more lore love - and yes, I certainly like Ysera also and would like to do something involving her for sure.

    5. How about using the gang? Alexstrasza, Ysera and Sylvanas? Considering they use the same skeleton.

    6. Aye, I already have them all rigged up anyways - obviously I've done a movie with Alexstrasza and I'm working on Sylvanas now, but it would be good to cover Ysera also.. in multiple meanings of the word I suppose!
      Don't really know what I'd do involving all three however.
