Sunday, 12 April 2020

Mega Link

Hey folks,
                  I forgot to provide a Mega link for this animation, it's likely too late now for most of you who had/are having trouble with G-Drive but here's a link in case someone needs it!



  1. Replies
    1. Its literally out, asshole

  2. Good to see you are still active. Totally AWESOME works! If you are ever gonna go to Patron let us know. I will surely go support you.

  3. Hi Insi :) You are magnificent as always! This is truly one of your fundamental works. Unfortunately, due to a lot of work, I could only appreciate it now. Real "Raid" on Jaina xD
    In addition to the Jaina model, I liked the troll model - it looks very cool! I hope you implemented your many ideas in this project, as you wanted)
    I would not like to restrain myself, but in the future I would like to see part 3 of the video with Sylvanas and her new model from 9.0. = D But this is much later, now you need to have a good rest, sometimes even from your favorite hobby you get tired and exhausted. Take care of yourself! You are one of those few who pleases me with your videos!


    And yes, I did not forget about what I promised, I would like to send you a donut, as soon as the opportunity arises, I think such work should be well appreciated!

    1. I confused donut with donation xD My mistake))

  4. Im not sure if there's a proper request thread or anything i just figured id ask if you could do a draenei animation?

  5. for the next video of assumi or alori

  6. can we get a version where the cum is less yellow? Or less droplety? Otherwise I love it 10/10

    1. I support that. I recognized, that in your recent videos the cum turned out to be a bit too much on the yellow side. I would prefer in future if you would make it a bit more white again.

  7. also please consider a subscribestar account even if you just set it to $1

  8. God i hope he does move human male and orc female again. Shit i hope Insig is okay :(

  9. Please consider female draenei(s) for the next animation.
    Possible futa too.

  10. I hope you're doing alright, Insig. Been a while since we've heard from you, wish you all the best

  11. Yeahh what above comment said, you Gucci fam?

  12. Fuck him. He is dead. At least we got 1 last video.

  13. I hope you're doing alright

  14. No surprise he stopped doing stuff if you read through the comment section here. People are pushy, ungrateful assholes.

  15. basically, I agree with you. He did it not for the sake of donation, but - as hobi, and what instead of gratitude? And got a bucket of shit ...

  16. I hope insignious had a merry christmas and happy new year. seriously fuck these a holes that are such beggars over free stuff.

  17. Really love your works Insignious! You were one of the first who made wow porn movies public and you are still the best one. :) Thanks a lot for your afford and your time! ^^

  18. Hey Insig, been a year now since we last heard from you - hope you're alright and life's treating you well

  19. rip insignious,

  20. Hey Insig, I hope all is good and well with you. I guess we all would like to hear some signal from you how it is and what you're up to. And if you have no interest in going on with animating, how about sharing your ressources. I guess a few of us would like to try your models in fan projects.

    Best regards!

  21. I haven't visited this blog in a year and I'm not surprised he has gone silent. The ungrateful abuse during the development of the Jaina animation was totally uncalled for and it wouldn't shock me if he never returned to WoW-animations. It's a damn shame how a few individuals can really ruin it for everyone. Not just Insigs motivation and love for doing this totally free of charge, but we fans don't get any new animations to look forward to.

    All I can say is that it's totally understandable and I wish you good luck with whatever you're doing Insig.

    1. Its a shame, Insignious is one of my favorite animators who has made some of my all time favorite vids.

    2. Pls make new animations

  22. I hope you're alive and well insig. I've been a fan of your work since 2016 with Sylvanas being a favorite of mine. Last year i saw everyone going apeshit over the jaina vid taking longer then ya said it would. You do amazing videos for free on your own time... them Harassing ya is the same as biting the hand that feeds ya.

    2020-2021 has been wild but I hope to see a post from you to confirm ya made it thru covid.

    Remember that some of us still appreciate the work you've done and would love to donate to you.

    1. stop sucking his dick u fucking Beta SIMP. This bitch is dead. End of the Story. So go on Rule 34 or somewhere else and post your bullshit there while jerking off to some WOW porn. fucking cuck ass clown

    2. seek help

  23. Man, I really hope you're okay Insig. Even if you stopped making porn, give us an update sometime so we know you're still alive?

  24. I hope you make videos again, even if Jaina wasn't that hot, it was a great video. when you come back it would be great if you fuck a taurine or a dwarf this time

  25. Just checking in, hoping for update.

    1. There won´t be any updates u little cuck

  26. 2 years since this post... Insignious I really hope You're not a casualty of COVID-19 and have just been caught up with the obstacles of life. If you return make a Patreon and I'd gladly subscribe $40 or so a month to support ya

  27. It’s funny (or sad) that I’m not the only one who came to remember Insiginious this month. Yes, I was also very aware that it’s been two years since your last post.

    You just make the best porns dude. Your facials are just something special! It’s my favorite part of your vids. And Hakkrahs bukkake scene. Wow. All time favorite porn video. Honestly, I really could write an essay about lighting, animation, anal gapes , and more things that I love about your videos. You just kept getting better and better.

    Listen, I know I’m just a simple man that likes jerking to WoW chicks (hell, prefers it is more accurate), but I wanted to say thanks for all the great jerks. I don’t know why you would have given so much of your time into making these videos but I really appreciated it. I just hope somewhere out there, someone else is giving you some great jerks too. Cheers.

    1. Agreed, as much as I loved his content I just wish we had some sort of update to know that he's ok

  28. Man still so many thirsty wankers in here. This dude is dead. deal with it. fuck this guy. there is much more and better content out there wtf.

    1. and yet, here you are too.

    2. Im just here to call u needy betas out. so fuck u

  29. Hey we’re not asking for porn we just wanna know if you’re alive at this point. Hope you’re ok insig.

  30. Just poking my head in to say that Insign ain't dead. If you check his other accounts out there that he's linkee to before there's recent sign ins

  31. There are no other accounts! he is dead!

  32. rip my favorite wow porn creator

  33. Not dead, Darknest Fantasy account show a log in on February 2023, so they're just inactive.

  34. miss u.
    Who can tell me how he is now.

  35. please make more..
